Test Your Body

  • This questionnaire should be answered honestly for a true Prakruti analysis
  • The answers should be as per who you are from birth and not what you want to be or think should be
  • More than one characteristics in each parameter can be chosen as per your profile.
  • Please tick against each characteristic as applicable
  • Total all characteristics chosen for each Prakruti at the end
  • Prakruti Profile can be of single type, dual type and of all three combined
    • Physique
    • Weight Gain
    • Skin Type
    • Perspiration
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Teeth
    • Lips
    • Hands & Feet
    • Joints
    • Nails
    • Appetite
    • Taste Preference
    • Thirst
    • Dreams
    • Physical Activity
    • Energy
    • Walk
    • Tolerance to Season
    • Voice
    • Mind set
    • Temperament
    • Mood
    • Confidence Level
    • Decisions
    • Anger
    • Speech
    • Work Style
    • Memory & Grasping Power
    • Concentration
    • Relations
    • Tolerance to Pain
    • Interests
    • Choice of food
    • Lifestyle
    • Religious Faith