Sandhivata Case Presentation

Sandhivata Case Presentation

Patient details :-

  • Patient name – XYZ
  • Age – 59 yrs
  • Sex – female
  • Occupation – house wife
  • Problem Since 12 Yrs

Chief complains :-

  • Pain in both knee joints
  • Mild pain in both ankle joints
  • Swelling and stiffness in both knee joints
  • Feeling numbness (wooden leg feeling) in right lower limb while sleeping
  • Pain in low back radiating to lower limbs on & off

History of present illness :-

  • Patient is a known case of GRIDHRASI treated with physiotherapy and traction few yrs back.
  • Occasionally feels the symptoms of back ache radiating to lower limbs.
  • Patient approached Ayurvedic department for the complaints of swelling and pain in knees, painful and restricted movements of knee joint.
  • The complaints were seen since 12 yrs and slowly increasing in nature.
  • Presently patient finds difficulty in walking and attending routine activities due to varus deformity.
  • She often used to take pain killers which gave only temporary relief.
  • She is also c/o feeling of heaviness and pain in her thigh more in the right thigh.
  • Patient is unable to turn position in her sleep at night and when both knees touch each other feels severe pain due to which notices sleep disturbance.
  • Patient feels slight reduction of pain at rest and aggravation after her activities and late evening hours.
  • Patient had approached orthopedician before visiting our department and was advised knee replacement therapy for which patient approached our dept. for a alternative treatment approach.
  • All her complaints were seen after attaining her menopause.

Past history:-

Patient had an infected abscess in the left thigh for which she was operated around 12 yrs back.   ( Details of which are not available.)


No h/o allergy present.


Patient is a known case of hypothyroidism since 5 yrs and on Tab. ELTROXIN 100mcg 1-0-0


Attained menopause about 12 yrs back


  • Menarche – at 15 yrs
  • Menopause – at 46 yrs
  • Two children ( 1-♀& 1-♂)
  • Both deliveries were normal.


Her mother and sisters are suffering from Sandhivata.

Personal history :-

  • Diet  – mixed
  • Appetite – good
  • Bowel – regular
  • Micturition – regular
  • Sleep – disturbed
  • Habits – Nil

General examinations :-

  • Built – average
  • Nutrition – good
  • Gait – waddling gait
  • Pallor , Icterus , Clubbing – absent
  • Lymphadenopathy – absent
  • Temperature – afebrile
  • Pulse rate – 76/min , regular
  • Blood pressure – 140/80 mmHg
  • Weight – 72.3 kg
  • Tongue – moderately coated

Systemic examination :-

  • Respiratory system – No added sound heard.
  • Cardiovascular system –S1 S2 heard.
  • GIT  – NAD
  • CNS – No sensory and motor deficit.
  • Loco motor system:-
  1. Inspection –Structural deformity – bow leg deformity seen.
  2. Palpation –tenderness on both thighs , more in right thigh & particularly medial aspect of thigh.
  3. Knee joint examination :-
    Right Left
    Swelling ++ +
    Tenderness ++( inferiomedial & inferiolateral aspect ) + (inferiomedial aspect)
    Crepitus ++ ++
    Local rise in temperature
    Movements Restricted (flexion) Restricted (flexion)
  4. Ankle joint examination :-
    Right Left
    Swelling + +
    Local rise in temperature
    Movements Slight painful (dorsiflexion & extension ) Slight painful (dorsiflexion & extension )
  5. Spine examination –Inspection – no abnormal curvature seen.Palpation – no local rise in tenderness
    SLR test – (+) in right leg ( around 60 %)(-) in left leg

Ayurvedic assessment :-

  1. Prakratitah
  • Prakathi – vata pittaja
  • Saara – madhyama
  • Samhana – madhyama
  • Pramanataha – height -5’3”

weight – 72.3 kg

(BMI – 29)

  • Saatmya – madhyama
  • Satva – madhyama
  • Aahaara sakhti – madhyama
  • Vyayama shakti – madhyama to avara
  • Vaya – madhyama
  • Desha – anoopa

2. Vikratitah –

  • Naadi – vata pitaaja
  • Mootra – not examined
  • Mala – not examined
  • Jiwha – alpa uplepa yukta
  • Shabda – prakrit
  • Sparsha –prakrit
  • Druk – prakrit
  • Aakriti –madhyama
  • Dosha –vata kaphaja
  • Doosya – rasa, mamsa , asthi
  • Agni – sama
  • Kostha –madhyama

Investigation –

IIIrd grade OA

Differential diagnosis :-

  • Sandhivata
  • Aamavata
  • Krostuka sheersha
  • Vatarakta
Symptoms Sandhivata Aamavata Vatarakya Krostuka sheersha
Shotha Vata purna drati sparsha(+ in jaanu sandhi) In all affected joints With kandu Krostuka (jackal) sheersha vat
Shoola At prasaran akunchana (+) Vrishchik dansa vata vedana at all time With redness Maharuja
Sthana Sandhi (+) Hasta ,pada ,shira, gulfa , tvaka, janu , uru,sandhi Starts from padayo mulam Janu sandhi
Gaurav + (+)
Jvara – (-) +
Nidra viparyaya +(+)
Jadya +(+ in thigh)

TREATMENT Administered –

  • Jeerak choorna ½ tsp-0- ½ tsp with 50 ml water for 3 days.
  • Nadi sveda – 27/04/12 to 28/04/12 – no internal medicine was given during this procedure.
  • Eranda tail upanaha sveda 30/04/12 to 15/05/12 – no internal medicine was given
  • Tab. Ayuginee  1-0-1 for 4 months.
  • Yastimadhu shaadita ksheerabasti 24/09/12 to 01/10/12 – no internal medicine was given

Effect of treatment :-

Right knee

Left knee

Symptoms Right knee Left knee
Before treatment After treatment Before treatment After treatment
Shoola +4 +2 +4 +2
Shotha +3 +1 +2 +1
Sandhigraha +2 +1 +2 +1
Sandhi sphootam +2 +1 +2 +1
Sparsha asahyata +3 +1 +2 +1
Akunchana prasaran janya vedana +4 +1 +4 0
Score 18 7 16 6
  • Around 60% relief.
  • Patient is feeling very much better.
  • Knee joint is much relaxed.
  • Able to flex her knee.
  • Able to walk without much limping.
  • Feeling of wooden leg is no more there, according to patient now she can feel her leg.

Kellgren – lawrence grading system for OA-

Grade Radiological findings
I Doubtful narrowing of joint space & possible osteophytes.
II Small osteophytes, possible narrowing of the joint
III Multiple , moderately sized osteophytes , definite joint space narrowing , some sclerotic areas ,possible deformation of bone ends
IV Multiple large osteophytes  severe joint space narrowing , marked sclerosis and definite bony end deformity



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